Wednesday 24 January 2007


With some research undertaken I was starting to get bogged down with information and what I wanted the final product to be. The best thing for me was to get some of the ideas that I had from research and start putting them into a prototype. The interface was designed to be navigated around using a Sony Ericsson K800i that uses the opera mini. Opera mini is a third party piece of software that can display web pages in the best possible way for the screen size. It is also customised for the make and model of mobile phone used. This application is available to be used on a large variety of phones.

The web site which has been named My Mobile Movies ( had a clear purpose. The site is initially divided into four categories.

Preview Trailers
Local Cinema
Future Releases

These four menu options would be displayed as icons on the index page. Here on after the navigation and layout would change slightly but still be inkeeping with the visual identity/design.

When I was considering the navigation of the web site and the restrictions that exist in comparison to a keyboard and mouse I had to think of how to make the information from other categories accessable if appropriate. For example on the preview trailer categorythere is a links that can access the comments part of the site or the cinema search part.


funkchump said...

1. Preview Trailer
This section looks at how trailers will be previewed on the phone. The user will have the choice to view either all the trailers or the search can be filtered into most watched trailers, best rated trailers and worst rated trailers. The ratings would be taken from comments section of the site where the user can choose to rate a film from 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest score.) Anything that is over the 3/5 rating would appear in the best rated trailers category and any thing below that would appear in the worst rated category. The user could also browse and view trailers from the most watched section. This information would be filtered by what trailers are viewed the most by different users.

Dependng on the category the user chooses the list will populate accordingly. It is then possible for the user to access a movie to view its trailer.
The trailer will be streamed over the internet. The user will have the option to pause the movie, rewind the movie and turn the volume on or off. There will also be a link to view the movies comments and search for a local cinema.

funkchump said...

2. Reviews
This section of the website will give the user the opportunity to view comments made about particular films and to add their own rating and comments. The information will be filtered in to categories consisting of all reviews, most rated, best rated and worst rated films. This is entended so that a user can see what films others are enjoying and not enjoying to give them an idea what the film is like. It will be filtered using the 5 star rating system as previously explained in the preview trailers section. The list will then populate depending on the category chosen. The user will then be able to select a movie read,add a comment and rating to it. The comments will be shown similar to how a text message can be browsed. The user can then add a comment by going to the last comment made, viewing it and then choosing add comments from the menu options at the bottom. A rating can be made by pushing the joystick on the phone either left or right. Then by pressing down a comment can be added and the user can also leave a name.

At the bottom of a comment being viewed there is also an option to view the trailer. This gives the users easier access to view the trailer rather than going to the index page first.

funkchump said...

3. Cinema Search
Within the cinema search category the website will link to another website and search for cinemas in that area. In the prototype I have linked to The user would then need to enter cinema into the product or service and their location. The search would then filter out all the cinemas in that area. Yell would provide a link to the cinemas and online booking can then take place.

funkchump said...

4. Future releases
This category allows the user to see what movies are going to be released in the future. The site would allow the user to search future releases by all, genre and date. This is helpful if the user is looking for releases in a certain genre. After selecting a movie the user could read the synopsis, view the trailer if available and make comments to the run up of the release of the movie. This woulod be quite interesting as discussions would be created about movies building up momentum to their release and forming communities. Their is also a link provided to the local cinema search which would the user to pre book their tickets.